The Vision of the Alpha Kappa Lambda Education Foundation

  • Imagine a scenario where every undergraduate member can receive the support and guidance, he needs to become a leader of his generation.

  • Imagine a safe campus community bound by walls of brotherhood, where the spirit of philanthropy, service, and goodwill towards others prevails.

  • Imagine a fraternity experience where funds are available to each chapter to reward and empower their members and help aid those in need.

  • Imagine a chapter where every discerning undergraduate member can afford one-of-a-kind leadership and educational opportunities regardless of economic status.

  • Imagine a world led by empowered fraternity men of character, committed to making a difference.

Create Academic Success

Expand and endow our academic scholarship program. We cannot teach and provide young men with the AKL experience if they cannot afford to attend college.

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Develop Our Chapters

Instill our values and fortify and strengthen the young men in every chapter across the United States.

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Flexibility for the Future

As history has shown, it is impossible to predict how the needs of students and society will evolve over the next century.

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