Gifts made by cash, credit card, money order, and check provide donors with an immediate charitable deduction and provide immediate support to Alpha Kappa Lambda. Please make all checks payable to “Alpha Kappa Lambda Education Foundation.”
Gifts made by cash, credit card, money order, and check provide donors with an immediate charitable deduction and provide immediate support to Alpha Kappa Lambda. Please make all checks payable to “Alpha Kappa Lambda Education Foundation.”
Giving long-term, appreciated stock allows donors to avoid paying capital gains on the increase in the stock’s value. Donors typically receive a tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift.
Many donors may choose to make their gift over an extended period, up to five years. Donors can determine whether they want to make their gift on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly basis.
A planned gift is left in your last will or living trust. Donors can establish a gift by adding basic language to their will or trust documents naming the Alpha Kappa Lambda Education Foundation as a beneficiary of a specific amount or percentage of their estate,
Many companies will match or multiply a donation made to the Alpha Kappa Lambda Education Foundation through their matching gift programs. As a result, donors can double or triple their gift to the cause they support by speaking with their employer regarding matching gifts.
Donors can support the AKL Education Foundation as the beneficiary of all or a portion of their IRA, pension, 401(k), or other retirement plans. Speak with your financial planner or employer regarding contributing funds through your retirement plan.
If you own a life insurance policy that you no longer need, you can name the AKL Education Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of the policy. If the policy has a cash value, you can take a charitable deduction equal to its cash value. If you still pay annual premiums, you can deduct the premium payment each year.
A gift annuity is a simple, contractual agreement between a donor and the AKL Education Foundation in which you give assets in exchange for our promise to pay payments for life to one or two individuals. In some cases, the annuity payments are higher than you would earn in a traditional savings account, and you may also incur additional tax benefits.
When you create a charitable remainder trust, you give money, securities, or other assets to a trust you create that will then pay you an income for life or a period of years. If you wish, the trust also can pay an income to other beneficiaries of your choice. At the death of the final beneficiary, the remaining balance in the trust goes to the AKL Education Foundation.