March 11, 2020  

Members of Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alumni, Volunteers, and Partners;

The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda National Headquarters staff recognizes the unprecedented position of our chapters as higher education institutions suspend in-person classes and many scheduled on-campus events because of COVID-19. For many, this may mean uncertainty in how to meet as a chapter, what events are allowed, and how to keep members motivated during this time. The work of fraternity is never done and so there is still a lot that can be accomplished with education, planning, and training. 

The list below outlines just some of the operational tasks and alternative activities that can be completed by the chapter during this time. Many can be completed in less than a few hours and some are “checkbox” tasks that should be completed even if the chapter was able to meet normally. It is not a complete list and we will continue to update it as more ideas and information is shared with us from our host institutions and interfraternal partners. 

While some chapters have already received an in-person visit from a NHQ staff member, we are offering to all chapters a 15-30 minute Zoom meeting to discuss these operational tasks and help chapters organize. We want to make ourselves available and demonstrate the benefits of these technologies we are suggesting. A Doodle link for scheduling will be shared with chapters soon.

We encourage all our chapters to follow the recommendations made by government officials, your host institution, and trained professionals on regular gatherings for registered student organizations. If you are unsure of what to do, please do not hesitate to contact the National Headquarters for guidance.

Operational Tasks & Planning

  • Continue to meet weekly via virtual methods
    • Chapter Meeting and Executive Board Meeting. This presents an opportunity to invite alumni that may not otherwise be able to attend in person.
    • The Executive Board can meet with individual officers virtually to plan and discuss what can be done during this time.
    • Recommended Services; Zoom, WebEx, Google Hangouts (all are free)
  • Create a shared Summer Calendar and shared Fall Calendar
    • Can include; meeting dates, academic calendar dates, institution sporting events, Homecoming, alumni events, founding dates for other organizations
    • Recommended Services: OmegaFi
  • Complete AKL Online Education via
    • Login and click “AKL Education” on left sidebar
      • Required by all members; AKL Foundations
      • Required by all new members; AKL Foundations, New Member Education, Name Your Story- Mental Health Education
  • Have the Scholarship Chair/Academic Affairs Chair reach out to all members to keep them engaged during the suspension of in-person classes. 
    • Never forget Scholarship is one of our Five Ideals!
  • Schedule Social Media Posts and update various platforms that may be outdated (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
    • Recommended Services: HootSuite, Postify
  • Update Governing Documents
  • Update Officer/Position/Committee Descriptions 

Recruitment Planning

  • Organize Summer/Fall Recruitment
    • Create templates for chapter use during Recruitment
      • Wish List of potential members (name, email, phone)
      • Contact Listing (who has reached to individual and when)
  • Fall Orientation Planning
    • Determine how chapter will communicate with PNM’s at this time and over summer.
    • Determine what events the chapter must plan/ What events institution has planned
    • Assign specific roles to individuals for who will be completing various tasks. 
    • Create and schedule social media graphics to promote chapter now
      • Recommended Services; Canva, Hootsuite, Postify

Financial Planning

  • If you are contractually obligated for an upcoming event, review the terms of the contract and contact the vendor with any questions.
  • Have the Treasurer reach out to all members to make sure they are paying their bills via OmegaFi.
    • The chapter must still pay all outstanding debts and balances to the National Headquarters, vendors, and itself. The chapter will want the funds to continue hosting activities once classes and events resume.
    • Reminders can be sent via OmegaFi but phone calls/texts should be sent to individuals who may still owe. A GroupMe message to everyone is not always effective.

Alumni Connections

  • Develop newsletter to be shared with alumni via email
    • National Headquarters staff can help develop template if needed
    • Recommended Services: Canva, MailChimp
  • Reach out to alumni via phone to reconnect about chapter
    • Develop 2-4 talking points on what chapter has accomplished
    • Contacts can be provided by NHQ upon request. 
    • Ask to collect contact info and update them on the chapter.
  • Assign members to collect chapter history and stories from alumni
    • Develop 2-4 questions that can be shared with alumni ideally via phone or survey to document the history of the chapter.  

National Conclave Planning

  • Register for National Conclave
    • Available via
  • Complete Chapter Presentation
    • Each chapter will be given 3-5 minutes to present the chapter accomplishments from the past 2 years during National Conclave
  • Complete National Awards Nominations  
    • Founders’ Award, Individual Awards, Chapter Awards
    • Available via