Per the National Constitution, “Amendments may be proposed in writing by any member, chapter, or the National Executive Council not later than 180 days prior to a National Conclave. All chapters and alumni chapters shall be notified of the proposed amendment no later than one hundred fifty (150) days prior to the Conclave. A proposed amendment will then be regular business at the next National Conclaves for deliberation and vote. A two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor of the amendment will be required for final adoption.”
When a National Constitution or Bylaw amendment is received, it will be considered for impact on the National Fraternity operations. It will also be reviewed for clarity in presentation and understanding. The text will be compared with the current National Constitution and Bylaws to determine if there would be a need for additional changes based on the overall scope. It may be that additional amendments must be prepared, or editorial corrections will be necessary, as a result of the passing of the proposed amendment.
The amendment will then be shared with the Bylaws Review and Revision Committee for their review and presentation. The individual submitting the proposed amendment may be contacted by the committee for additional information or reconsideration. You do not need to prepare a presentation, the Bylaws Review and Revision Committee can work with you to put forth your proposal in an acceptable format.