Developing the Chapter

A core group of men is needed when establishing a chapter. This core group must consist of men who want to get involved, have strong leadership abilities, and strong values, and are willing to take chances. They must be independent and willing to give their time to make sure the fraternity is successful. They must look at themselves as recruiters and the type of man others will want to join in building a fraternity.

This core group can number from 5 to 50 men. At least 5 men are required to request recognition as a chapter from Alpha Kappa Lambda. The more men you have at the beginning, the easier the process will be.

Membership Selection Criteria

To form a chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • At or above the All-Men’s GPA academic standard. (high school and/or college)
  • Have a history of community and student organization involvement.
  • Be a full-time student and have no record of conduct violations with the institution.
  • Agree to the financial commitments of joining Alpha Kappa Lambda.
  • Agree to conduct themselves as a Man of Character per the values of Alpha Kappa Lambda.

Growing the Chapter

Recruitment does not and should not stop once a core group of men has decided to form a chapter. Recruitment is the lifeblood of any chapter and therefore must continue. The men recruited during this initial phase need to be quality individuals with a strong drive. They do not need to be well-informed in every area of the chapter operations because that training will come later for those interested in leadership roles.

You will have some men who are strong recruiters, but not leaders … some men who can do the work needed, but need regular oversight. These characteristics are the definition of “teamwork,” the ability to find men whose unique talents contribute to the overall success of the chapter.


Student Organizations

Officers and members of student organizations on campus tend to have the leadership abilities, work ethic, and values needed to start a fraternity. Look for men in Student Government, Residence Hall Associations, and service organizations.

Residence Halls

Resident Assistants are perfect for helping find members as they can provide access to other students when you begin growing the chapter. Recruit the RA to join if possible! If you live in a residence hall, make sure you let the men on your floor know what you are doing. They may be interested in participating with you and many chapters start this way.

Honors Programs

“Scholarship” is one of the Five Ideals of Alpha Kappa Lambda and a great starting point for recruitment. Students participating in honors program activities tend to have the organizational abilities and the commitment to seeing a job through to completion.

Community Service Activities

Students who voluntarily participate in service activities tend to show commitment to the betterment of themselves and those around them. They are the students who see value in hard work, even when that value is not tangible to the naked eye.

Social Events & Activities

Students participating in campus or community social events and activities are looking for an outlet that fraternity can provide. Make sure your events are original, creative, and not offensive. Stay on campus for some and utilize the surrounding community for others. Save money and planning time by using events hosted by other student organizations on campus.

Intramurals & Athletics

People who participate in intramurals and athletics are “joiners.” Head to the campus recreation/fitness center and play some pick-up games of basketball. Join an intramural league for students. Go to athletic events for the university with your letters on and show your commitment to being involved!

To learn more; contact the National Headquarters by email at or by phone 317-564-8003