Fall 2024 Semester
$ 255
per member, plus local dues & feesNational Membership Dues = $125.00
Insurance = $130.00
Spring 2025 Semester
$ 295
per member, plus local dues & feesNational Membership Dues = $125.00
Insurance = $130.00
Educational Programming Fee = $40.00
'24 - '25 New Member
$ 455
upon joiningNational Membership Dues = $125.00
National Membership Entry Fee = $330.00
National Membership Entry Fee
This is a one-time National Membership Entry Fee to join the Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda. The National Membership Entry Fee must be paid in full along with the National Dues within 30 days of joining. Full or partial payment of all charges prior to Initiation Ceremony is strongly encouraged. While individual new members are responsible for paying their balance, the chapter is responsible for making sure the Membership Entry Fee and National Dues are paid in full. If a member drops or is removed from the roster, the chapter is still responsible for making sure that individual pays, otherwise it is the responsibility of the chapter.
National Membership Dues
The National Dues are billed twice a year and are to be collected from every man on the roster. Billing occurs in August and January. The National Dues must be paid along with Insurance within 15 days of the start of the semester.
The Insurance is billed twice a year and is to be collected from every man on the roster. Billing occurs in August and January. The Insurance must be paid along with National Dues within 15 days of the start of the semester.
Educational Programming Fee
Previously called the Meetings Fee, the Educational Programming Fee serves the same purpose and is billed once a year and is to be collected from every man on the roster. Billing occurs in January. The Educational Programming Fee must be paid along with the National Dues & Insurance within 15 days of the start of the semester.
Chapter/Local Dues
The chapter must charge chapter/local dues to pay for events and activities. This must be billed via OmegaFi and no money should be taken via cash or payment app for proper record keeping and to avoid any potential issues regarding mismanagement of funds.
Accounting/OmegaFi Fee
The chapter must account for the Accounting/OmegaFi fee for budgetary purposes. This fee is collected from every member to pay for OmegaFi services. This must be billed via OmegaFi.
National Dues, Fees & Insurance – Billing Adjustments and Removal from Roster
No adjustments will be made 15 days after billing. If the chapter roster was incorrectly or not updated on OmegaFi or the National Headquarters was not notified in writing of requested changes, the chapter is responsible for the billed amount. If a member does not inform the chapter of his return or departure, the individual will be responsible for the difference. There are three ways a member can be removed from the roster.
- He decides to quit or leave the organization before initiation. After 15 days he is still responsible for all billed costs.
- He graduates or permanently leaves the institution. Statuses are available for Abroad, Student Teaching, and Military, where they will not be included in National Dues, Fees, and Insurance billing. The National Headquarters must be informed prior to billing. He is still responsible for all billed costs prior to graduation or leaving the institution.
- He is “Expelled” either by the chapter or by his own desire. This means he wishes to quit/leave the organization after initiation. He will lose all rights and privileges afforded to members and will no longer be recognized as Alpha Kappa Lambda. He is still responsible for all billed costs prior to being Expelled.
National Dues, Fees & Insurance – Financial Warning & Financial Suspension
- Financial Warning: Any chapter with a past-due balance will be given a Financial Warning. A balance is considered past due after 30 days from initial billing. The chapter can continue to operate normally and hold all planned functions. This status only serves as a warning and to notify the chapter. Chapter volunteers and advisors will be notified if a chapter is given a Financial Warning.
- Financial Suspension 1: After 14 days of receiving a Financial Warning, any chapter that still has a past-due balance will be placed on Financial Suspension 1. The chapter can continue to operate normally and hold all planned functions. The National Headquarters staff will review the chapter’s OmegaFi Vault account, communicate with individual members who have a past due balance, and request bank funds be transferred where possible. Chapter volunteers and advisors will be notified if a chapter is placed on Financial Suspension 1.
- Financial Suspension 2: After 30 days of receiving a Financial Warning, and after 14 days of receiving Financial Suspension 1, any chapter that still has a past due balance will be placed on Financial Suspension 2. The chapter can only hold a weekly business meeting, host recruitment events, and work toward reducing the past-due debt. This would mean a potential loss of intramurals, socials/mixers, homecoming events, and Greek Week. The National Headquarters staff will continue to review the chapter’s OmegaFi Vault account, communicate with individual members who have a past due balance, and request bank funds be transferred where possible. Individual members, active and inactive, will also have their OmegaFi account reviewed and potentially be sent to collections. Chapter volunteers and advisors and the Greek Life Office will be notified if a chapter is placed on Financial Suspension 2.