Available Chapter Officer & Committee Chair Training and Education
The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda offers a comprehensive education curriculum designed to empower fraternity leaders through targeted officer and committee chair training. These programs equip fraternity officers with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles, fostering effective leadership, organizational management, and interpersonal communication. These programs cover topics such as event planning, risk management, conflict resolution, and community engagement and strengthen individual leadership capabilities but also promote a culture of responsibility and accountability within fraternity chapters.
Chapter Officer Training
President |
Vice-President |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Recruitment Chair |
Board Training
Executive Board |
Judicial Board |
Chairperson/Committee Chair Training
Fraternity Educator | Philanthropy & Community Service Chair |
Chaplain/Initiation & Ritual Chair | Mental Health & Wellness Chair |
Risk Manager | Social Media/Public Relations Chair |
Judicial Board Chair | Fundraising Chair |
Scholarship Chair | Intramurals Chair |
Social Chair | IFC Representative |
Brotherhood Engagement Chair | Greek Week/Homecoming Chair |
Alumni Engagement Chair | House Manager |
AKL Foundations
AKL Foundations is the required education taking place during the New Member Entry Process that is designed to make joining members better leaders by educating them on the issues facing college students today. As members of the Greek system, students are campus leaders and role models. As leaders, they may face difficult and challenging situations. It is how they respond to these difficult situations that help them learn and develop into effective leaders who make a positive contribution to the campus community. While our members may not encounter these challenges personally, they may have brothers or friends who do. Through AKL Foundations, our members will practice the decision-making necessary to effectively deal with alcohol and drugs, hazing, sexual violence, and mental health issues in AKL chapters and the campus community. Topics covered in this education module are described below.

Alcohol & Other Drugs
In this session of the AKL Foundations, members complete a pre-assessment that provides feedback as to where they are on the spectrum of the use of alcohol and other drugs. Program content is intended to confirm some facts members may know about alcohol and challenge what members may not know related to the negative effects of alcohol use.
While hazing is not an issue that is exclusive to fraternities and sororities, members of AKL must understand that hazing directly conflicts with the ideals and values of the Fraternity. After completing this AKL Foundations module, members will understand how hazing is detrimental to any organization and that it is each member’s obligation to not allow hazing of any form.
Sexual Violence Prevention
By completing this module and engaging in the discussion groups, chapter members will understand the pervasive nature of sexual violence and that it is all of our responsibility to act and speak up to prevent sexual violence.
Mental Health
Members will be educated on how to ask for help if they are concerned about their thoughts or behaviors or are concerned for a brother or friend. AKL members should recognize the importance of eliminating the stigma associated with seeking help with mental health issues.

“Speak Up” – Sexual Violence Prevention Education
This course will educate members of AKL as to the devastating impact of sexual violence on victims in fraternities and sororities and the university community. Some members may initially say “I would never do anything like that.” or “That does not happen in my chapter.” By completing this module and engaging in the discussion groups, chapter members will understand the pervasive nature of sexual violence and that it is all of our responsibility to act and speak up to prevent sexual violence.

“Name Your Story” – Mental Health Education
By completing the “Name Your Story” Mental Health Education course, members will become aware of the most common mental health disorders diagnosed among college students including depression, anxiety, suicide, and related risk behaviors involving alcohol, illicit drugs, and non-medical use of prescription drugs. Members will be educated as to how to ask for help if they are concerned about their thoughts or behaviors or are concerned for a brother or friend. Through professional presentations and group discussions, AKL members recognize the importance of eliminating the stigma associated with seeking help with mental health issues.

“Recognize/Challenge/Change” – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education
Recognize. Challenge. Change. is an honest conversation about our increasingly interconnected and diverse world. Participants will challenge myths regarding the historical and present-day distributions of power, investigate the role of racism and anti-racism in social, professional, and educational spaces, and feel empowered to analyze their own social identities and positions within systems of power.

“Brothers in Action” – Bystander Responsibility Education
“Brothers in Action” – Bystander Responsibility Education is a dynamic education program designed to instill a culture of proactive intervention and bystander responsibility within AKL chapters. This initiative equips participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to recognize and respond to various situations, such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination. Through program fosters a sense of collective responsibility, empowering individuals to step in and make a positive impact. By emphasizing the importance of active bystanders, the program creates a safer and more inclusive learning environment, cultivating a community where everyone plays a role in fostering respect, empathy, and support.”

“A Wholeness of Manhood” – Healthy Masculinity Education
“A Wholeness of Manhood” – Healthy Masculinity Education is a transformative education initiative dedicated to reshaping perceptions of masculinity by promoting positive and healthy expressions of manhood. This program delves into encouraging participants to explore and embrace a more inclusive and emotionally intelligent definition of masculinity. This program cultivates self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills. Participants learn to navigate societal expectations while fostering resilience and positive relationships. By challenging stereotypes and fostering a supportive community, “A Wholeness of Manhood empowers individuals to embody a well-rounded, authentic masculinity that contributes to personal growth and the creation of a more inclusive society.”